Former Somerville lawyer pleads guilty to mortgage fraud

On October 7, 2009, in Latest News, by The News Staff

By Tom Nash

Former Somerville real estate attorney Kevin Carey will be sentenced Nov. 6 on charges relating to a mortgage scheme that bilked an insurance company out of $2 million.

Carey, 49, plead guilty last week to eight counts of larceny over $250 and seven counts of making false statements regarding financial conditions after being indicted in August 2008.

The attorney, who was disbarred in October 2008, served as the city’s water commissioner under former Mayor Dorothy Kelly Gay from July 1999 to January 2001.

According to the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office, Carey “stacked” mortgages on four homes he and his family owned by refinancing the loans without paying the ones already taken out. He used his position as an agent for a title insurance company, which enabled him to put insurance policies on the titles – which would protect the owner in the event a mortgage loan went into default.

The Attorney General’s office alleges Carey served as the closing attorney on residences in Medford and Everett, resulting in eight mortgages on
four properties – sometimes using a family member’s name on the documents he created while also ignoring other mortgages when creating

A Fannie Mae database search conducted in 2005 discovered the scheme, which was referred to the Attorney General’s office in 2006.

Carey’s attorney did not return a call seeking comment.


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