The View From Prospect Hill for October 14

On October 14, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

talk – they have questions, concerns, worries. We all do – it's human
nature. At the 2nd Annual Riverfest last Saturday, we heard a lot of
people talking about a lot of different subjects. Here's a few:

Will health care reform happen? If so, what will that mean for me?

Did Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? If so, how the hell did anyone know enough to nominate him 11 days into his presidency?

the economy recover or will it stay static for an extended period of
time? If it stays static, how long will it take for the unemployment
rate to show any signs of improvement?

Will the Dow hit 10,000
before the end of the month? If so, will they toss hats like they did
in 1999 when it first hit that milestone mark?

Will Mike Capuano
win the special election for Teddy's seat? If so, does that mean all
out mayhem and another year of never-ending special elections?

the Governor have to make mid-year cuts to local aid? If so, how will
Somerville survive this coming budgetary season without major layoffs?

Will anyone stop talking? Oh there are the fireworks. It's nice to have a distraction, enjoy.


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