Rafi Properties, Owner and Operator of Somernova, the 7.4-acre innovation campus and community dedicated to helping people and companies iterate and grow faster, announced today that the Better Future Project, a local non-profit organization committed to building diverse, powerful, and democratic grassroots movements to address climate change, has joined The Dojo at Somernova.

As the newest partner at The Dojo, Somernova’s youth-driven community center pilot, Better Future Project will bring their work of climate justice advocacy and community organizing to the innovation campus. The Better Future Project’s mission of advocating for a swift, equitable transition to a 100% renewable energy economy, aligns seamlessly with Somernova’s innovation ecosystem, which is home to leading tough tech companies tackling some of the world’s most important issues, including the global climate crisis.

The Dojo at Somernova is a youth-driven, multi-generational community center pilot dedicated to connecting people of all ages and backgrounds through immersive learning, cultural experiences and fun. As an evolving prototype, The Dojo is a space where nonprofits and local partners come together to collaborate and empower Somerville’s youth with the resources and tools they need to thrive. Entering The Dojo as a partner, Better Future Project joins a dynamic group of collaborators currently integrated in the space working at the intersection of community, culture and industry.

Better Future Project’s presence at The Dojo at Somernova will fortify the campus’s dynamic connectivity among its tenants and enrich programming for its youth members. The collaboration between Somernova and the Better Future Project will merge climate action initiatives with community engagement, establishing a robust platform for youth-driven climate advocacy at The Dojo. Better Future Project will cultivate environmental awareness and activism among the next generation, enhancing The Dojo’s offerings and addressing the pressing nature of the climate crisis. Through this partnership, Better Future Project will expand its youth-focused initiatives and work with other Dojo partners to create enriching opportunities for Somerville’s youth to engage in climate education and justice.

“Somernova is an ecosystem where innovative minds collaborate to address the world’s most pressing challenges,” said Kristin Phelan, Vice President of Real Estate Development for Rafi Properties, Owner and Operator of Somernova. “The Better Future Project’s dedication to climate justice and grassroots advocacy aligns with our mission to support transformative initiatives that help solve the global climate crisis. Their involvement will enhance youth programming at The Dojo, amplifying our collective efforts to co-create a more sustainable and equitable future for our youth, our planet and for Somerville.”

“Better Future Project is driven by the belief that people have the power to create positive change in the face of the climate crisis,” said Alan Palm, Executive Director of Better Future Project. “Somernova is a place where innovation and community converge. We are thrilled to join The Dojo at Somernova, and we look forward to contributing to its vibrant programming, community connections and campus synergy, as we work towards a sustainable future.”

Better Future Project’s grassroots efforts are guided by the mission to create a healthy, stable, livable climate where all people live in resilient communities that are powered by 100% renewable energy that is equitably distributed, decentralized, and democratically controlled and provides millions of safe, well-paying jobs. Led by three core programs – 350 Mass, Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW) and Make Polluters Pay – Better Future In August, Better Future Project and The Dojo at Somernova launched their partnership with a dynamic event that brought students from Teen Empowerment and the Mystic Learning Center to the innovation campus. The students engaged directly with climate tech companies through a tour of Greentown Labs where they explored the groundbreaking work of two startups–one that creates ethical beads from natural materials for the fashion industry, and one works to advance solar panel technology. The event featured an overview of Better Future Project’s climate action initiatives, which provided students with pathways to engage in environmental justice work. The inaugural partnership between The Dojo and Better Future Project represents Somernova’s vision to connect Somerville’s youth to the burgeoning climate tech ecosystem the campus is cultivating among its tenants. As the campus continues to grow, Somernova’s development signifies an important step toward fostering a larger-scale impact, where the intersection of climate and economic justice can thrive, and the next generation is empowered to lead a just and sustainable future.


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