Newstalk for October 21

On October 21, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff
The All-America City party at the Armory was awesome, with the place filled to capacity and many new and old friends there. Our own Jimmy DelPonte was at his best at the microphone. Nice to have such recognition for our city twice in less then 40 years.


Popular Ward 2 Alderman Maryann Heuston was very upset over the recent Market Basket supermarket incident where a patron was attacked in broad daylight recently. Seems there are no surveillance cameras in the lot, the good alderman wants the supermarket to install working cameras soon and is shocked they were not there in the first place. Have you tried to maneuver in and out of that parking lot? It's a wild scene any time of day or night.


This past Monday President of the Board of Alderman Walter Pero had a first in five years fundraiser at one of the newest restaurants in Someville, the Bread & Co on Winter Hill. The food that was served was unbelievable; if you haven't been lately, give it a try. It might become one of the more popular places in Somerville.


Speaking of fundraisers, Mary Ann Heuston is having hers at LaHacienda located at 46 Medford St., Thursday the 29th from 5:30 to 8 p.m. By the way, Maryann just celebrated her birthday this past week. Happy birthday to her from us here at the News.


Middlesex County Registrar of Probate Tara DeCristofano is having a fundraiser at the Tavern on the Water in Charlestown this Sunday at 1 p.m. Tara's family is wonderful –her's is from Medford and her husband's is from Somerville. They're a nice couple and of course Tara is doing a great job.


The Pizza Palace restaurant on Somerville Avenue was burglarized last week. According to our sources, thieves broke in but nothing was missing. We are trying to figure out what they were after; maybe they needed some garlic or wanted a pizza, and didn't want to wait for delivery? What's more surprising is the Pizza Palace is located behind the police station and we hear that the owner's husband is a high-ranking police officer, wonder if they dusted flour bend for prints?


Someone checked the voting record of Alderman-at-Large challenger Luis Morales and found that he hasn't voted in a while, not even the recent Presidential election. Nothing wrong in that, but interesting. We bet he's going to vote this year, though.


What's with everyone moving to the Ten Hills…some of us have lived here and knew the secret that it's out of the way, separated by 1-93, but the Mayor a year or so ago, now Alderman-at-Large Dennis Sullivan and his new bride Melissa, also Ward Four School Committeeman James Norton. Lets not forget one of Somerville's finest, Mike Holland and his wife and baby just moved there…. We think it's the view. Where in Somerville can you live and be on the water?


A lot of controversy and rumors surrounding Somerville Police Chief Holloway, who is up for a job at his former place down in Clearwater, Fla. The Somerville News broke the story locally that he was on a short list of people they were looking at…We think he's done a great job here in Somerville. He's also a nice guy, either way we wish him well. By the way, we hear he has his personal car parked in the garage under the station off to the side with his Florida plates still on it. Hopefully not for a quick get away!


This Sunday morning on the CBS Morning show our own Mayor Joe Curtatone will be interviewed talking about Somerville and all the changes that have happened. It's nice having Somerville on the map for good deeds and we are fortunate to have a very popular mayor.


A lot of locals are hard working for our own Congressman Mike Caupano who is seeking the open senate seat. He's out there working hard, and a lot of Somerville residents are working hard for him. Wouldn't it be nice to have a senator from Somerville and to boot a popular guy himself…. We wish Mike the best. If you want to help, simply call all your friends and relatives throughout Massachusetts and get them to vote for Mike and tell them he was a good mayor and a good congressman.


We heard this and couldn't believe it…. from a couple of sources, that a week or so back that former Mayor Dot Gay had a quiet reunion of sorts with some if not all of her former department heads down in Union Square. When it was getting late and she wasn't there someone called her and asked where she was… We heard that she informed them that she wasn't coming and that she was on her way to New York to visit family. We heard that everyone there was shocked, but that a few weren't surprised to hear she said that…. now we can't confirm it, but we know how rumors start here in Somerville, don't we?


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