District Attorney Ryan teaches campers about summer safety

On July 24, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

District Attorney Ryan, campers of the Somerville YMCA and Bear, the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office Comfort Dog, pose for a photo.

Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan hosted a Summer Safety event at the YMCA in Somerville this week. It was part of District Attorney Ryan’s annual effort to educate children on ways to keep themselves safe during the summer months.

With rising temperatures, the Summer Safety training is an opportunity to inform the public about risks associated with summer heat, including window falls, drownings, bike riding accidents, firework accidents and children or pets being left in hot cars. District Attorney Ryan highlighted important tips for children including: never swim alone, call 9-1-1 or notify an adult if you see a child alone in a parked car, never play near open windows, always wear a bike helmet and never play with fireworks or sparklers. After the talk, the campers played a game of Summer Safety Jeopardy to show off what they had learned.

The visit was part of the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office county-wide summer safety initiative which focuses on averting preventable harm to children by discussing ways to keep themselves safe. Contact Sarah.Lamson@mass.gov to request an event for your group. View and download the Summer Safety Tips flyer at https://www.middlesexda.com/sites/g/files/vyhlif11841/f/uploads/safety_5.18.15.pdf.




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