Letter to the Editor – June 23

On June 23, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers)

Disgusted with Somerville Administration doing nothing

The city left a dumpster of trash that was overflowing outside of the Edgerly building (which is being used for the Winter Hill School) since Thursday, June 13th.  Overflowing trash has sat on city property in a residential area for 3 days in the hot sun, residents have called all weekend requesting the dumpster to be emptied and have no action was taken.

We had to deal with rats over the weekend because the city did not want to pick up the trash, lovely, thank you.

And the city had a nerve sending out a flyer telling residents to take responsibility for reducing the rate population.  Sending a condensing card as if residents had to be told about closing trash lids, not to leave food around, replace barrels if there are holes (as if Somerville has replacements) but my favorite Somerville actually expects residents to sweep puddles, really? Maybe the city could just take some action, actually get someone who doesn’t like rodents to rid the rats.   And maintain any/all black boxes and not just put them out and forget them.

Before sending out any more flyers, the city should ensure that they are taking action first.

A message to the Somerville Administration, why don’t you stop worrying about the bike lanes and putting dumb islands in the middle of roads, AND start taking care of issues that will actually affect people’s health such has the population increase of rats which are now running around during the day not just at night. Why not start thinking about ALL of the residents and not just a small group…

Fed up, Long Time Resident


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