Graduation day 1971

On June 13, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

I graduated from Somerville high school in 1971. Graduation day was an epic time. Me and my best friend Charlie walked from Ball Square all the way to Dilboy Stadium. Things were different back then so we got buzzed while we walked.

We entered the packed stadium and sat in our designated seats. I said a quick hello to my parents who were in the audience. On stage were the principal and vice principal to pass out the diplomas. Of course, they passed them out in alphabetical order. As soon as they got around to the D’s I got anxious. But it soon turned to anxiety when they passed over my name. All I could think of was the horror going through my parents’ mind. They probably said “I knew he wasn’t going to graduate!”

I was known as a rebel rouser in high school. I was at the hippie brewing through. I was at the helm of the walkouts for the dress code in for no heat and they knew my face and they knew me. I figured this was a good way of them getting back at me for being a troublemaker in my three years at the high school.

My mother and father had to sit through the entire alphabet. When the finally got through the W’s I was ready to slap someone silly. As soon as they got through the rest of the students’ names, they called my name last I stormed up to the stage and ripped the diploma out of the vice principal’s hand. I gave them the proper thank you with an Italian swear! (it rhymes with Kung Fu)

I had a lot of fun at Somerville High. I was in almost every music class that they had to offer with fantastic teachers such as Mrs. Mary Carafotes, Andy Smith and Connie Limberakis.

Despite the lackluster graduation ceremony, my high school years were full of bell bottoms, long hair and peace signs.

Oh, one more thing. My last name was spelled wrong on my diploma.


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