Christine’s tree

On May 23, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

My sister Christine (Somerville High class of 1970) planted an evergreen tree in the front yard in 1969. It eventually grew too big to avoid hitting up against the house. It couldn’t maintain its traditional symmetry so we had to have it removed in 1983.

The space was empty until we planted another tree there in 1997. We called it Christine’s tree. It was a beautiful flowering tree that graced our property until 2023 when the tree fell victim to a disease. The tree would have to be dug up and disposed of.

But the guys upstairs picked out a similar blossoming tree that was planted in Christine’s spot. I’m happy to say that the new tree is healthy and thriving. We had some beautiful blossoms.

My sister Christine passed away in 1992 and I’m sure she looks down at her new tree.

I’d like to thank my upstairs neighbors for taking the initiative to replace the tree. It will be a while until the tree catches up with my mother’s dogwood tree on the other side of the front yard.

The beautiful trees will always remind us of our loved ones especially when they are in bloom.


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