Our View of the Times – April 10

On April 10, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

It’s not just another three-day weekend, folks. It’s a huge part of our national – and regional – heritage.

Patriots’ Day was established over 100 years ago to commemorate the Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775, the first battles of the American Revolutionary War. Re-enactments are staged and speeches are given, and a generally festive air of patriotic zeal pervades.

It is also the day when the Boston Marathon is run. Almost as venerable as the holiday itself, for many the event is a symbol of the resilience of the American spirit. And ever since the terrible events that transpired so many years ago, that spirit has been bolstered by the resolve by all of us to remain ever vigilant and “Boston strong.”

It’s also just a nice time to get outdoors and enjoy some of the fine early spring atmosphere. After the frosty winter we all went through, it serves as an opportunity to drink in the warmth and regenerative power of the season.

If you will be heading out to enjoy some of the Marathon activities then we hope you will bring along a little Somerville Pride with you and represent the home town spirit.

So be sure to give some consideration to what the occasion is all about, and maybe join in the festivities at Foss Park on Monday morning. We can’t guarantee it, but we’d bet dollars to teabags that a warm tingle of patriotic exuberance may wash over you. Especially if you willingly give yourself over to the moment.

If nothing else, you might snag a selfie with Paul Revere. Now, that will be something to show your grandchildren!


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