Our View of the Times – February 28

On February 28, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Presidential Primary is just around the corner, on Tuesday March 5, and the national election is coming up a few months later. The balance of power in the country as a whole will be in play, and more than ever it seems as though so much will be at stake in that particular election cycle, no matter which side we align with.

The man or woman who assumes the role of Commander and Chief of our nation must be ready willing and able to rise to the occasion when called upon to do so. Each one of us, whoever we may be supporting in this year’s election, is searching our heart to determine who we feel will best fill those shoes.

It’s clear that we as voters take on a huge responsibility as we participate in the process.

If you’re opting to vote early for the Primary, the opportunity to do so exists from now through Friday, March 1 at City Hall. Mail-in Ballots must be received by 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 5. You can go to somervillema.gov/elections for more details about these voting options.

Most of us seem to be very confident that our favored candidate is up to the task. Others bemoan a lack of integrity or skills required to do the job well among those who are running.

No matter how it all turns out, let us hope that the winner of the office will rise to the occasion and realize the potential they may have to become as great as others who have gone before them. We are facing more trying times, and the right choice is now more important than ever.

But above all else, remember that it will be up to us to get out there and do our civic duty and vote.


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