The View From Prospect Hill for December 2

On December 2, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Somerville News endorses former Mayor of Somerville and current
Congressman Michael Capuano for Senate. There are so many great reasons
why he is the best choice to fill Ted Kennedy's seat, that it is near
impossible to find fault in his candidacy – that is how convinced we
are that if given the opportunity, Mike will do the Kennedy legacy

Sure, you could claim that we are biased for the hometown
guy, and quite frankly you would be right – but not for the obvious
reasons you might think. The reason we and most people outside
Somerville should like Mike hearken back to his days as an Alderman and
later Mayor of Somerville, where he "cut his teeth" so to speak.

then, Capuano became an expert at constituent services and overcame his
ability to rub people the wrong way with his brash, in your face style
of passion he brought to bear as an elected official. That passion made
you either love him or hate him – but either way – you came to respect

When the fabled 8th Congressional seat opened up – after
Joe Kennedy decided to leave the political arena – Capuano ran and won
with a promise to stand true to his political style. He arguably
delivered on that promise and caught the eye of the Democratic
leadership, specifically Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Standing
out in a body of 441 members is no simple task, but in the 8th
District, voters have come to expect greatness from those they have
elected – including former President John F. Kennedy, former Speaker of
the House Tip O'Neil and Joe Kennedy.

Proof positive that Mike
has never lost his fiery temper and willingness to call a spade and
spade – his February 11th explosion on several bankers testifying
before the House Financial Services Committee. He went ballistic on
them – and asked what everyone else has been wanting to ask – why they
weren't up against criminal charges. That's Mike for you – and now he
can add "YouTube legend" to his list of accomplishments.

only problem is Martha Coakley has been preparing to run for this seat
a whole year in advance. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure
out something is up when the Attorney General's office, which normally
issues a press release once every other week, opens the flood gates and
unleashes several per day for no apparent reason – wink, wink.

the end of the day, standing shoulder to shoulder with the other
candidates in this race, it is clear that they all have good
intentions, but none of them can match up with Mike Capuano when it
comes to proven experience in dealing with national and international
issues – experience you can only get by serving in Congress. That is an
inarguable fact and possibly the most advantageous attribute of anyone
seeking to be elected to the Senate, period.

Don't let low voter
turnout keep the right candidate from winning on Tuesday, December 8th
– make sure you, your family and every person you know – votes for Mike
Capuano for Senate.


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