The Ward 1 Democratic City Committee will hold its 2023 Virtual Caucus to elect Delegates to the 2023 Democratic State Convention on Saturday, June 24, at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom (Meeting ID: 862 7676 329; passcode = 762019) at: .

Ward 1 has been allotted 7 delegates and 4 alternates for this year’s State Convention, which will be held in Lowell on Saturday, September 23.

Delegates will be assigned as follows:

Automatic Delegate (Chair) 0

Male or Non-binary Delegates 3 or 4

Female or Non-binary Delegates 3 or 4

Alternates (2 male or non-binary, 2 female or non-binary) 4

I encourage anyone who cares about our democracy and making this country a better place for everyone to run as a Delegate! Make your voice heard. Let’s reinvigorate Ward 1! Please feel free to contact me.

For more information, please visit


Miriam Schwartz, Acting Chair

617-308-6941 –


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