Dear Mr. President

On June 15, 2023, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

The year was 1960 and we were in the second grade. For some reason me and a girl named Barbara Kennedy were behind Richard Nixon in the presidential election. Sister Clarinda made us agree to write a letter to the president if JFK was elected.

The whole thing was crazy because my friend’s name was Kennedy and we decided to be rabble-rousers and get behind Richard Nixon who was not Catholic. Since he was handsome, young and Catholic it was a reason for the nuns to be behind JFK.

We agreed to write a letter to JFK telling him of our newfound support and congratulate him. We explained that we “liked Nixon but sister talked us into liking you.”

We sent the letters to the White House and awaited a reply. Three weeks later a letter arrived from The White House on official stationery. Although it was very exciting we were a bit disappointed that the letters began, “The president has received your nice letter…” It was signed by a secretary.

We were still on cloud nine and the school made a big deal about it. We even got our pictures in the school newspaper. The letter today is in one of the bins in the cellar. My brother framed it for me and it was hanging up in our play room for years.

We should’ve felt special for a while back then and developed a strong love of President John F. Kennedy. Who would’ve thought that just three years later we would’ve lost the president to an assassination. It broke my heart and I remember the day like it was yesterday. But I’ll always feel close to JFK and treasure my letter from the president, wherever it is.


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