The city, in partnership with the Somerville Homeless Coalition, has established its Engagement Center, intended to expand on services available to the unhoused community. — Photo courtesy of SHC
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in partnership with the Somerville Homeless Coalition, has announced the recent opening of a new Engagement Center to support Somerville’s unhoused residents.
The Somerville Homeless Coalition (SHC) will operate the Engagement Center with federal American Rescue Plan Act funding provided by the city. This facility, open during the day when shelters frequently are not, allows clients to drop in on an as-needed basis and also enables Homeless Coalition staff to invite unsheltered clients to meet privately indoors.
“The opening of Somerville’s new daytime Engagement Center is a game changer, allowing us to provide more robust support services for some of our most vulnerable community members,” said Mayor Katjana Ballantyne. “Many shelters in our area only operate at night, meaning unhoused individuals are not able to access any support services during daytime hours, a huge roadblock when looking for work and housing. I want to thank everyone who has worked tirelessly to make this center a reality, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on our community.”
The Engagement Center, located at 1 Davis Square, is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., during those hours the Center closes from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. for lunch. During operating hours, clients can access a wide variety of resources including bathrooms, resting spaces, closets and lockers for personal belongings, mail pickup, and internet access. Additionally, clients can receive support to complete applications for jobs and housing, receive supplies to help safely manage outdoor elements, and attend appointments with specialized service providers to help them establish housing stability and address other needs.
“Our most vulnerable neighbors who are living outside are so grateful to have a welcoming and supportive place where they can find hope each day,” said Michael Libby, Executive Director of the Somerville Homeless Coalition. “For some, that support might be warming up on a freezing cold day, while for others it might be an opportunity to apply for public benefits and search for housing. Whatever the service is that our clients may need, they all describe our program as a place they feel cared for, listened to, and where they feel like they truly belong.”
For more information about the Engagement Center, or to learn more about how you can get involved, please email Hannah O’Halloran, SHC Emergency Services Program Manager hohalloran@shcinc.org, or call 617-623-6111.
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