Out for a walk, knives at the ready

On May 25, 2023, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

Somerville Police officers were dispatched to a Boston location last week in regards to an assault that occurred in Somerville. Boston Police officers were also on the scene.

Upon arrival, the Somerville Police officers were told that Boston Police received a call for an assault in the area of Cambridge St. When Boston Police arrived on the scene, they noticed one man chasing another man with a knife in his hands. The man who brandished the knife and was subsequently arrested was later identified as Angel Fletcher.

Boston Police stopped Fletcher in the area of Speedway on Cambridge Street and ordered the him to drop the knife, at which time he complied. It was discovered that Fletcher had another knife near his person, which police believed Fletcher tried to toss away.

Boston Police told the Somerville officers that after speaking with the victim, he realized that the assault originally occurred in Somerville at the Somerville No Touch Car Wash on Washington St.

The victim told the officers that he was smoking outside of the Cobble Hill Apartments in Somerville, near some bushes. When Fletcher walked by, he reportedly became startled, got upset and said something to the effect of “What are you doing, are you trying to rob me?”

The victim told Fletcher that he wasn’t trying to rob him and that he was just smoking. An argument ensued between both parties, at which point Fletcher allegedly brandished a knife.

Fletcher reportedly told the victim to meet him behind the nearby car wash so they could fight. The victim reported that he said something to the effect of “You’re real tough with that knife in your hand.”

The victim said that during the dispute, a witness was driving down Washington St. and noticed the two men involved in the dispute. He yelled out to the victim yelled out to him and asked him if he needed help.

As this was happening, Fletcher reportedly ran down Washington St., which changes to Cambridge St. in Boston.

The victim told the witness that Fletcher threatened him with a knife. The witness let the victim into his vehicle and they followed Fletcher into Boston, then contacted the police.

The witness said that they pulled into the Speedway and told Fletcher to stop and that they contacted the police. Fletcher then reportedly ran toward him with the knife, at which point he grabbed a brush to defend himself. and kept away from Fletcher until Boston Police arrived.

Fletcher was told that he was going to be placed under arrest by Somerville Police on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon. Fletcher then reportedly exclaimed that he should not be the one being arrested, that the witness had a brush, which should be considered a dangerous weapon.

Fletcher was transported to the Somerville Police Department, where he was booked on the above stated charge.


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