Phil Ercolini first served under Mayor Ralph in 1973; Served on Zoning Board of Appeals for 18 years; Was Housing Director for 7 years

The City’s long-time Director of the Housing Division of the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development, Phil Ercolini, served his last day in that position today as he retired after many years of service to the City.  First hired by Mayor S. Lester Ralph as Aide to the Mayor in 1973, Ercolini has served the City in several capacities including an 18-year position on the Zoning Board of Appeals prior to joining the Curtatone administration as Housing Director in 2004.  In 2006 – 2007, he also served as Acting Director of OSPCD while the City conducted a nationwide search for a permanent appointment.  Prior to accepting his final position as Housing Director , Ercolini also held several positions within the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development, including Senior Housing Program Coordinator and Director of the Housing Stabilization Fund.

“Phil has been a very dear friend and a tremendous employee of the City throughout my administration, and I know that I speak for the entire administration when I say that he will be missed,” said Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone.  “Phil’s hard work and dedication has led to the investment of more than $35 million in resources to address affordable housing, lead hazards, energy efficiency and weatherization, homelessness prevention and air pollution for low and moderate income individuals and families here in Somerville.  I know that we will continue to hear nothing but good things from Phil, and I wish him nothing but health and happiness in his retirement.”

“Phil’s commitment to Somerville residents in need shines through in everything he does.  His efforts have resulted in the construction or rehabilitation of hundreds of units of affordable housing, benefiting the local community for decades to come,” said Monica Lamboy, Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development.

“What better career could I have had but in public service to the community that I was born, educated and continue to live in. It has truly been a labor of love,” Ercolini said.  “I hope to continue to contribute to the well-being and success of this community in every way possible.”

(press release from the city of Somerville)


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