The View From Prospect Hill – February 2

On February 2, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times
We’re all trying to figure out what to do about this snow. On street corners and coffee shops in the city people are devising, debating and discussing how to get rid of the piles of snow now dotting every sidewalk.
Some are saying dump it in the Mystic River. Others are concerned what that would do to the water table – would it cause flooding?
Every year it snows and we have yet to find a good way to clear it out of cities. In Minneapolis, machines called Snow Dragons that can melt 30 tons of snow an hour, filter out pollutants and trash and send the snowmelt down a storm drain, have been used for years.
It’s possible the cost of those machines would be prohibitive but the city’s snow removal budget has been dwindling fast as snow storm after snow storm has hit New England since Christmas.
On Saturday, the Nave Gallery is hosting A History of Somerville 2010 to 2100 event in which artists envision this city of the future. Also included is Future-aoke! in which anyone can step to the mic and share their thoughts on the future. Maybe someone will tell us how we managed to get rid of all this snow.

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