In accordance with the City’s Snow Emergency Procedures, Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone has announced that a snow emergency will be in effect for the City of Somerville as of 10:00 p.m. on Monday, January 31st.   During snow emergencies, parking is allowed on the odd-numbered side of the street only (unless otherwise posted).  Cars not moved from the even side by 2:00 a.m. on Tuesday will be ticketed and towed.  Residents unable to find a parking space on the odd-numbered side of the street may park in any municipal or school lot for the duration of the emergency.  A list of available city lots and other relevant information may be found on the City’s website at

Residents who have not already done so may visit the City’s website,, to view snow emergency procedures, download the snow procedures brochure or sign up for Connect CTY telephone and email alerts and other time sensitive messages from the City. 

Residents are reminded of the following regulations, as outlined in the City’s Snow Emergency policy:

  •  Property owners must shovel their sidewalks or walkways following any snow storm, or may be subject to violations by the City’s Inspectional Services Division.
  • Residents may not use furniture, trash barrels, cones, or any other item to save parking spots on public streets.  These items will be treated as trash, and disposed of by City crews.

Additional snow emergency notification measures include:  flashing blue lights installed at 22 key intersections and entryways to the City, which will be activated immediately after the declaration of a snow emergency, and remain lit for the duration of the snow emergency; announcements made by Somerville Police officers during morning neighborhood patrols; and prerecorded information on the city’s Information Hotline, 617-628-SNOW.


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