Our View of the Times – December 14

On December 14, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

After so many years of wishing and hoping, fighting for funding then finally ponying up the fare, the mighty behemoth known as the Green Line Extension project has finally come to completion and has begun rendering service to the residents of our city and its neighboring environs.

All the shiny new stations built to accommodate the line are rolling out their red – or should we say green – carpets as grateful passengers file for their first rides and first taste of how those rides will be.

But the grand debut this week was a much-welcomed event. A payoff of sorts, since all of us have had a stake in it to the tune of paying our share in taxes and putting up with the inconveniences of its construction. We deserve a little hoopla and hoorah when the glorious green gremlin finally wends its way through the city.

All kidding aside, it’s really nice seeing this thing finally coming to completion. Whether one is a supporter of the project or a detractor, it’s still good to know we’ve finally taken it all the way down the line to its final destination.

The excitement and celebratory atmosphere of this week’s grand opening was definitely an inspiring thing to behold. Crowds of eager riders showed up before the break of dawn to either take a chance at finding a spot on the first ride or to just be a part of the whole extravaganza.

One gets the idea that the celebration will continue for a while. And why not? This is a big deal after all.

And we will be better off for it, in many different ways. It’s been a long time coming, and it’s high time we get on board and enjoy the ride, now that we finally can.


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