Our View of the Times – November 2

On November 2, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

After partying and losing ourselves in the festive spirit of Halloween this past weekend, we are now tasked with searching our souls for the right answers to the options presented at the ballot box next week.

For some of us the choices are blessedly clear, while others may have difficulty culling the wheat from the chaff amidst all of the conflicting messages put forward on each side of almost every issue. Politics as usual, really.

As we are asked to choose our next set of state legislators and leaders, it is an important election day. Every eligible voter should consider it his or her duty to vote and do the thing that makes life in this land such a precious gift: help to decide the course that we are to follow in the immediate future, and play their parts in writing the historical record for what is to follow.

Every single vote does count, be assured of that. Vote by mail ballots can be returned by mail to Somerville Elections Department, or through one of five drop boxes located around the city.

So, don’t let a little rain or chilly weather or anything else stop you. From the troops at Valley Forge straight through to our humble present-day letter carriers, service to one’s country should not be hindered or halted due to a bit of inconvenient inclement weather, or almost anything else, actually.

Let it be so for us as well. We are no less important, so let’s get out there and make our choices count.

And remember, information on where, when and how you can vote is readily available online at https://www.somervillema.gov/departments/elections.


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