Team SCES dedicates 1.8 million steps to Falls Prevention

On October 16, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

SCES staffers found lots of ways to walk for falls prevention awareness in September. Ellen Provencher (left) while apple picking, Jennifer Velasquez (center) while hiking with dog, and Nina Cohen while walking her children to school. Overall, Team SCES contributed more than 1.8 million steps during Falls Prevention Awareness Month.

Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) staff and supporters dedicated more than 1.8 million steps toward falls prevention awareness in the month of September.

The 1,833,169 steps were part of a statewide challenge from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs to dedicate 45 million steps toward the cause during Falls Prevention Awareness Month.

Falls are the leading cause of injury for older adults, but many are preventable. Throughout the month, SCES social media shared information about ways to reduce fall risk, along with photos of staff walking for the cause.

“The walking is a nice group activity, but it also underscores the importance of staying active,” said SCES Director of Outreach and Community Relations Nathan Lamb. “Many older adults cut back on activities due to fear of falling, but in the long run that can reduce strength and balance, leading to increased risk. The key is finding appropriate and safe activities.”

SCES helps older adults stay active throughout the year with the Stay Strong falls prevention program, which provides several sessions of in-home exercise instruction.

Contact the SCES Aging Information Center for more information about Stay Strong and other local programs that can help older adults maintain strength and balance.

SCES also thanks the staff and supporters who contributed to this year’s walk: Kristin Bell, Nina Cohen, Lara Collins, Elise Farrell, Annie Fowler, Ghita Jaouhari, Courtney Johnson, Nathan Lamb, Casey Leon, Rachel Lynch, Nathaniel Meyer, Derick Monteiro, Colleen Morrissey, Carolyn O’Brien, Ellen Provencher, Lindsey Smilack, and Jennifer Velasquez. Special thanks to the team at Metropolitan Home Health Services for dedicating a team walk to the cause.

Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services is a non-profit agency that supports the independence and well-being of older adults in Somerville and Cambridge. For free advice and guidance on questions of aging, caregiving or disability, contact our Aging Information Center at 617-628-2601, email, or visit our website


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