Enjoying retirement

On September 15, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

I’ve been retired for almost five years. I miss that nice paycheck every week and my former work buddies but that’s it. I don’t miss the bosses at all. In fact, I have a recurring nightmare that has one of my past bosses terrorizing me. I don’t miss getting up early every day. I don’t miss cleaning the car off when it snows. I don’t miss taking orders from a little twerp – lol.

I asked my friends and readers for their opinions on what the best part of retirement is. Each new quotation is a different person.

“Traveling, binging on what makes you happy, no alarm clocks going off at the crack of dawn, spending more time with the ones you love, hitting the beach during the weekdays, lunch dates and getaways, etc. Love retirement.”

“Sitting in the parking lot at your old workplace and watching everyone showing up to work on a beautiful summer day.”

“Not worrying about anything in life but doing what I want when I want. Damn, I’m having fun.”

“I finally found something I do really well.”

“No more driving during a blizzard. Not having to drive period.”

“When we are retired if we don’t want to do something today, we can always do it on another day. Make sure you exercise and keep in good shape.”

“I love everything about it, especially sipping on your cup of coffee in the morning without having to rush out the door – aaaahhhhhhh!”

“No more Sunday night anxiety. I’m now prepared to do what I want!”

After almost five years I still have weird dreams where I’m getting in trouble at work. I also still have some anxiety when I think of all those jobs and the idiot bosses.

My biggest accomplishment in retirement was being able to use the remote without looking at it.


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