Land Use Committee approves backyard cottages, more

On September 7, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Fernando Cervantes Jr.

The Somerville City Council’s Land Use Committee held its monthly meeting to discuss zoning ordinances and amendments in various locations of the city.

In a virtual meeting, the Committee covered a variety of topics ranging from requests from individual citizens to a request from Mayor Katjana Ballantyne.

The first of the motions discussed in the meeting was introduced by City Councilor At-Large Jake Wilson, who proposed an amendment to the Zoning Ordinances where backyard cottages would be allowed by right.

According to Dan Bartman, Senior Planner for the City of Somerville, there was a largely positive reaction from the public as seen in a set of public meetings.

“This is supported by the Urban Design Commission, the Planning Board and obviously councilor Wilson submitted this,” Bartman said.

The Committee approved the measure unanimously. This would allow homeowners to convert their garages into guest houses, etc., without a neighborhood meeting being required as previously mandated, as long as they meet code.

Following discussion of other zoning requests submitted by citizens, the Committee discussed a request sent in from Mayor Katjana Ballantyne seeking to “repeal all references to a Certificate of Zoning Compliance and replace with a requirement for the Building Official to conduct a zoning compliance review and maintain a public record of such reviews for all development.”

Seen as more of a clerical change rather than a large zoning amendment, this measure would keep the process of zoning compliance the same.

Following discussion, the measure was also unanimously passed by the Committee.

For more information regarding this meeting and following meetings by the land use committee, visit:


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