Somerville girls track shines in relays

On January 11, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Sasha Garczynski finished 8th in the 200 meters with a time of 2:28 in the Dartmouth Relays this weekend. - Photo by Siobhan Murray

Highlander girls track shines in relays

By Mike Rubin

Led by a solid performance by Nicole Genard, the Somerville High girls track team was well represented in this weekend’s Dartmouth Relays.

Genard, who completed in the 55 meter hurdles, finished second overall with a time of 8.21.

“It’s one of the fastest times in the country at this point in the season,” said coach Charles O’Rourke. “One list has that as the fifth fastest time.”

Also competing in the relays was Sasha Garczynski, in the 800, who finished eighth with a time of 2:28. In the mile run, Iaritza Menjivar placed seventh with a time of 5:33 while Natalie David placed eighth in the shotput en route to a toss of 30-8.

Ashley Murphy finished with a leap of 14-7 in the long jump and an 8.12 in the 55 meter dash. Gelynne Berger finished with a time of 7.97 in the dash while Michelle Meranda finished with a time of 43.99 in the 300 meters. In the mile run, Rita Musello-Kelliher finished with a time of 6:13 in the mile run followed by Maggie Langwig’s time of 6:36. In the two-mile run, Pristine Mei finished with a time of 13:05.

In Sunday’s Red Auerback Freshmen Sophomore meet at the Reggie Lewis Center, Taia Clark placed fourth in the high jump, clearing the bar at 5-0.


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