Somerville Bicycle Network planning meeting

On December 3, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and the City of Somerville Mobility Division invite you to a virtual community meeting to discuss Somerville’s first citywide bicycle network plan. 

The city’s goal is to create a comprehensive network of streets where people of all abilities will feel comfortable and safe riding their bikes through Somerville. To achieve that vision, the city is collaborating with Street Plans, an urban planning, design, research-advocacy firm, to develop a citywide bicycle network plan. The plan will designate corridors for various bikeway facilities, connect gaps in the current network, and guide future improvements. It will also include actionable policy, project, and program recommendations to guide the implementation of an inclusive bicycle environment for all Somerville residents.

Join in for the first community meeting to learn about existing conditions, recent survey data, and how you can participate in plan development. Public engagement will continue through the spring, and a draft plan is expected to be completed in the fall. 
The meeting will take place virtually on Wednesday, December 15, at 6:00 p.m. To learn more and register to attend, visit

Interpretation into Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Kreyol, or Nepali may be available upon advance request by contacting the SomerViva Office of Immigrant Affairs at or calling 311 at 617-666-3311.  

Persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication (i.e., CART, ASL), written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures in order to access the programs, activities, and meetings of the City of Somerville should please contact Nancy Bacci at 617-625-6600 x 2250 or  


7 Responses to “Somerville Bicycle Network planning meeting”

  1. john says:

    when did Somerville residents get to vote on the vision to “create a comprehensive network of streets where people of all abilities will feel comfortable and safe riding their bikes through Somerville.”

    I totally disagree with vision urban biking is not a safe or inclusive activity even with these changes and should not be promoted at all.

  2. DJ says:

    I don’t know about “not promoted at all” but it does seem like it’s being given too much weight. Unfortunately people who bike a lot tend to be louder and more involved at these meetings. People who aren’t very unhappy with the current state of things probably aren’t going to these meetings. Neither are people who don’t live here but come to Somerville to work or spend money.

  3. Charles Buchinsky says:

    Just this meeting and the agenda tells you how screwed up this city is. No one is for UNSAFE streets for bicycles, but we’re also all for safe streets for pedestrians and drivable streets for cars. When people voted for candidates saying “safer streets” we all voted yes, but we also had no idea it would be done this poorly and so negatively impact traffic and life here. There has to be a better way that utilizes the existing bike paths and not takes away lanes for traffic.

    Also, even if we remove all cars (which if they were honest is the goal) bicycles are not for everyone and not safe. I had my worst accident on a bike hitting an unseen rut in the road. Broke my wrist and bent my thumb way back. I was unable to do much for months. A warning for those thinking this is a safe way to commute. Talk to anyone who tries to bicycle as a means of commuting and ask them how many times they have had spills and injuries. A lot.

    If they city and mayor (thank God the panderer is gone!) continues to push this stupidity then a class action lawsuit needs to be considered. Not only for the injuries, but all the extra wasted commute time and pollution these unused bike lanes have caused. They’re pushing this nonsense so they own it and the liability.

    And…. as dumb as Somerville’s traffic designers are – Cambridge just decided to move to the front. Has anyone seen the mess they made of N. Cambridge stretch of Mass Ave? and Inman sq? Good God – they must have Moe, Larry and Curly doing the design work.

  4. Casimir H. Prohosky Jr. says:

    Aww…grumpity-grump-grump. Sorry, pal. Progress marches on. Regress just sits there and whines.

  5. Tom O. says:

    There’s a reason bicyclists are the ones attending innumerable meetings. Because the non-bicyclists are home raising children, driving elderly parents to doctor appointments, delivering food baskets to those in need, etc., etc. The bicyclists’ only goal seems to be to promote bikes and that is what their lives revolve around. And to Mr. Prohosky, If you consider progress to be pushing aside the elderly, the disabled, the families, heck even those who had the gall to take a job not served by public transportation and too far to bicycle, then you have a very narrow, single-minded view of the world.

  6. Casimir H. Prohosky Jr. says:

    Predictably dumb and dishonest, as per usual among your ilk. Gross exaggeration and outright lies are all you’ve got to advance your very narrow, single-minded, and endlessly tiresome view of the world.


    Cyclists absolutely raise children and drive elderly parents to doctor appointments, deliver food baskets to those in need, etc., etc. They just happen to also engage in community affairs and attend innumerable meetings in order to help improve the quality of life for all residents, not just the lazy gas guzzlers who can’t be bothered enough to participate.

    Bicyclists’ goals are not only to promote bikes because that is what their lives revolve around. It is simply an issue that concerns them and they involve themselves accordingly. As they should (see above).

    No one is pushing aside the elderly, the disabled, the families. That statement is beyond reprehensible in its dishonesty. And yet, there you are, Mr O.

    In short, no one is trying to put an end to automobiles, etc., a truly demented and dishonest claim to make. And yet, there it is.

    Grow up. Or else let the grownups figure out how to make our roads work for everyone. None of your whining will change a single thing anyway.

  7. Karoline Blamauer says:

    The cycling haters crack me up. Their tin foil hats could use some loosening up.