Jingling away 2010 in Somerville
January- Dashing through the snow with lots of uncertainty and fears
All because the economy bottomed out with the worst recession in years!
In February, we bid a fairwell to Police Chief Holloway from all of us in the Ville!
A great big hello was lining up as Deputy Cabral was gearing up to take charge of the Hill!
In March, Mayor Joe was set on a mission to “Shape up Somerville” with morning boot camps trimming the fat!
While at Zero Washington Street a ground breaking was happening to build a park for you to walk your favorite dog or cat!
April-What has become an annual event here is “The Business Town Meeting”
It was full of citizens blowing off steam just after the greetings!
In May, you could tell that it was a city election year here in the Ville!
Because the City’s Memorial Day Parade had more politicians in it passing out treats and promising they will!
June-Good news from the mayors office announcing the annual fireworks at Trum Field with plenty to eat!
Too bad the good cheer was diverted by the news of the police station’s flash flooding that wiped out half it’s fleet!
In July, the mayor expressed the importance of the community path extension for the people!
But we’re still waiting on the Green Line Extension and the Assembly Square project near Home Depot!
In August, the Job Lot proposal got booted from Winter Hill and left the property open for a better deal to be put on file!
But they opened up only a mile away in Medford with lines of patrons and making Mayor McGlynn smile!
Sin September, the Assembly Square development picked up steam and was finally off and running
Putting in new roads and making the place look stunning!
In October, the mayor picked a new chief that will take over the department and run it at will!
We are all hoping that he’ll do the right thing and not just hand us another moving bill!
In November, President Rebekah is voted to be the board’s top gun!
Let’s hope that she’ll do a good job and not veto just for fun!
In December, Mayor Joe ended the year with a White House trip then off to Morocco with another sister city to call!
Let’s all pray that 2011 will be a better year for all!
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