Virtual First Flag Raising 2021

On January 2, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Welcome to the City’s very first virtual First Flag Raising event. 2020 was certainly a historic year in many respects, and Somerville has continuously risen to meet its challenges with creativity, resourcefulness, and concern for everyone’s health and well-being. We hope you enjoy our newest initiative to commemorate a very significant part of our heritage, using both some prior content and adding some new twists, including several engaging youth.

Be sure to check out the new brochure about the Prospect Hill site found on the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission’s website, as well as the newly installed markers within the recently renovated Park. We look forward to greeting you in person when we resume our popular Docent Program at the Tower once it is safe to do so.

As the colonists would cry out “Huzzah Somerville!”


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