Our View of the Times – July 1

On July 1, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Well, it’s that time again. City officials must work together to hammer out a budget for the fiscal year 2021, one that comes as close as possible to serving the wants and needs of as many of us as is practical and doable.

Naturally, a lot of debate and negotiation will take place as diverse interests push and pull their way into and back out of the strident stances each player will assume as the process moves forward.

Special attention is being given to issues involving the handling of the COVID-19 crisis and police department funding.

Additionally, general government, public safety, culture and recreation, pensions, debt service, schools, overlay reserve, state assessments, and other miscellaneous expenditures are all part of the big picture.

Serious issues face the city, and how we manage the financial resources we have is as important now as it ever was before. There are ongoing problems to be confronted and public safety issues to be carefully considered. How do we best allocate these funds for the public good? For health and education? What about the affordable housing issue?

It’s a massive, complicated job, seeking out the big picture, seeing it clearly and then applying good sense in whatever final plans may come from it. No simple task in the least. The average citizen should get into the process too. Watch the meetings, offer your input and let your views be known.

You can view the proposed FY2021 budget here: https://stories.opengov.com/somervillema/published/eOBzlvXVg.


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