Our View of the Times – June 24

On June 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Despite some of the most oppressive heat and humidity that the season can bring, most of us love the good times that summer can bring.

Vacations, picnics, cookouts, swimming, sunbathing – or just plain old lazing around on a sunny, balmy day – there is so much revitalizing activity that can be enjoyed at this time.

Of course, while we still take precautions in our efforts to beat back the spread of COVID-19, many things are just not being done the same way as before this time around.

Social distancing is still important, even as certain businesses and services are guardedly taking their first faltering steps towards some degree of a return to normalcy. It is important to recognize and comply with established guidance to help protect ourselves and others.

The wearing of face masks both indoors and outdoors sets an example that we care about behaving responsibly as we make our way through the current crisis.

The City of Somerville has issued a number of guidelines aimed at helping us understand what we must do to keep everyone as safe as possible as we enjoy our public pools, playgrounds, and splash pads. Go to www.somervillema.gov/keepcool to learn more about keeping cool through the hot summer months.

There’s no reason why we have to deprive ourselves of the best that the season can offer. We just need to approach and practice safe practices as we indulge ourselves in the joys of summer. It may not be like a Beach Party movie, but it can be just as much fun if we want it to be.


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