Reigniting Boston’s music scene

On January 16, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Shirts and Shoes will perform at the “Music Meeting” event.

With media consumption at an all-time high thanks to the digital age, internet-based radiop series Boston Emissions host Angelle Wood hopes to bring back the human connection to Greater Boston’s music scene. Thursday January 23 kicks off the first of many planned events inviting bands and other industry workers to come together to discuss how to foster a more communal environment for Boston musicians.

The event will feature a free “Music Meeting” from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Industry knowns such as Jenny Bergman of The Secret Bureau of Art & Design, Bridget Duggan of ONCE in Somerville, and Edrie Edrie of Boston-band Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toy’s will be in attendance to help discuss topics important to the “Do-it-yourself” music scene. All are welcome to attend. The meeting will be followed with live music by The Shirts and Shoes, War on Alecandria, Low Low Moon and Genie Santiago.

Meeting is free from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The music starts at 8:00 p.m. and will be ticketed. Tickets: $6 in advance, $10 day of the show.

The Jungle Community Music Club, 6 Sanborn Ct, Somerville. Tickets available at



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