Lyrical Somerville – March 24

On March 24, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Ann Murphy Fletcher started writing and publishing poems in literary journals in 1994. Since then, she has had many poems in journals such as Yankee, The Christian Science Monitor, Georgia Review, Provincetown Magazine, Psychopoetica, The Lucid Stone, Ibbetson St. Press, Parnassus, Pegasus, Negative Capability and many more. She has published three books of poetry: Angels in Disguise, Mourning Becomes Electra and Hot Moon Night. She has had several articles in the on-line magazine Better After Fifty and contributed articles in local newspapers, especially The Waltham/Newton Tribute. She has published six fictional short stories and is getting ready to launch a blog about weight loss focusing on maintenance.


Combine the best
Of what you’ve got
Use more than a pinch
Of this and that
Be reckless
Supersize the portions
Fool with the recipe
Till you get it
Good enough
Do not leave it
Expect that it will
Fall flat sometimes
But think like
Yeast might:
Give it space
In a warm
Warm place
And watch
Your love

— Ann Murphy Fletcher ©



To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143


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