After 15 years of dedicated service, former State Representative Denise Provost is moving on.
By Jessica Sisavath
Denise Provost, State Representative for 27th Middlesex district for 15 years, has sworn in her new successor, Erika Uyterhoven as of Wednesday, January 6, 2021.
Provost explains it has been a unique transition mid-pandemic for the new legislators. “It limits their opportunities for bonding and for some of the kinds of learning that go on in the State House that aren’t easily replicated.” Provost believes new legislators will find new ways learn and sees this as a short-term impact.
Reflecting back on her most memorable moments from her 15 years in the State House, Provost says there was “a lot of learning, adventure, suspense, and victories, large and small.” She remembers the victory of marriage equality which occurred during her first few days in the office, and when she was the lead sponsor of the successful 2016 legislation assuring full legal equality for transgender persons.
Others also include, the 2008 Climate legislation, the Global Warnings Solutions Act and the Green Communities Act. Most recently, Governor Baker signed The CSO Discharge Notification Bill, which in Provost’s recent newsletter to her followers she said is a “great victory for public health and a clean environment. This bill is the first step towards fixing the archaic infrastructure which perpetuates ongoing sewage pollution.”
Other victories included stopping bills that would cause damage to the community such as the transportation of ethanol in trains along the commuter rail tracks that would have affected the Somerville Community; health care bill victories such as how women would receive information about their mammograms and legislations that would create patient and family advisory boards; and transportation victories memorable to Provost include one making sure that funding for the Green line extension was available in the Transportation funding bill back in 2008 and 2013.
As Provost was cleaning out her office, she was reminded of battles fought and efforts made over the years. Also, memorable awards given to her in the past 15 years, such as Legislator of the Year in 2018 from the Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association and the Thomas Menino Award for Public Service from Disability Policy Consortium. WalkBoston’s Golden Shoe Award that includes a framed award and a tiny golden shoe on a wooden plaque holds special significance for Provost, as traffic, pedestrian, and bicycle safety was important to her as a legislator. Many awards she was given are meaningful to her with stories and the people connected to them.
Provost has spent all of her adult life in Massachusetts. She received her law degree at Boston University and graduated in 1982. After Boston University, she worked for the City of Newton and then the City of Somerville.
Provost’s advice to anyone who is interested in government or public office, is to “Give it a try.” The recent attacks at the U.S. Capitol and the upcoming inauguration, leaves her “Worried about our country.” Provost’s immediate plans since leaving office is to get through the COVID-19 epidemic unscathed.
Thanks for the CSO notification bill!! and for all of your public service.